Battery Maintenance Accessories

  • Safe and Clean Battery Maintenance

    Maintaining your batteries is essential to extending the lifecycle of your valuable motive power assets. However the sulfuric acid contained within makes battery handling a potential health and safety hazard. Ensure your employees and facility remain safe with the both the proper PPE and cleanup solutions.

  • Forklift Battery Handling Safety and Spill Kit

    Forklift Battery Handling Safety and Spill Kit

    Designed for fast response and quick clean up, our battery spill kits provide all the tools and supplies needed to safely clean up and dispose of battery acid spills. The kits contain required PPE for safe handling along with solutions to conveniently contain, neutralize, absorb and dispose of any spilled acid.

  • Battery Roller and Stand

    Battery Rollers and Stands

    Remove, exchange, charge and store forklift batteries safely and efficiently with a Battery Roller Stand. Constructed with fully welded structural steel frame using over-sized rollers and bearings, plus integrated bumpers and safety stops for maximum durability, our stands are finished in acid proof powder coat and come in a range of width, depths and roll-off heights to meet a facility’s changing needs. Adjustable support legs can also compensate for uneven floors while supporting heavy loads.

  • Water Neutralizer

    Wash water neutralizer can be used to adjust the pH in wash water and clean acid up from contaminated floors or equipment such as battery stands or racks.

  • Battery Acid Absorber

    Acid Absorber and Neutralizer

    Contains, absorbs and neutralizes battery acid spills. Fast, easy to use and land-fill disposable. Pellet formula absorbs more and requires less clean-up. Reduces disposal costs and safety issues. Does not create hazardous dust clouds or leave harmful residues.

  • Forklift Battery Cleaner

    Battery Cleaner and Protector

    Regular cleaning of acid residues from a battery prevents the corrosion of key components to maximize the battery life-span. This heavy-duty, industrial battery cleaner is designed for fast, effective, maintenance of battery components.

Speak to our Forklift Battery Specialist now 1 (866) 454-1768 Ext. 4

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